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So far admin has created 11 blog entries.

Reconstruction of the Prague market will cost 2-3 billion CZK


Reconstruction of the Prague market will cost 2-3 billion CZK The Prague market will change its appearance: new shops will appear here, cultural and gastronomic events will be held. An observation tower will be built on the territory of the market. “The strategic goal of the city is for objects such as the Prague Market in Holešovice to acquire a new function and form and again attract city residents and tourists,” said Ondřej Bogács, director of the Prague Planning and Development Institute. According to him, about one fifth of the market area is currently not used at all. [...]

Reconstruction of the Prague market will cost 2-3 billion CZK2021-03-10T11:51:19+03:00

Nejvyšší budovu v České republice lze postavit v centru Ostravy


The tallest building in the Czech Republic can be built in the center of Ostrava. The building with a height of 238 meters, which will have 60 floors, plans to build an investor in the center of Ostrava. If the city authorities approve the project, the Ostrava Tower skyscraper will become the tallest building in the Czech Republic. The construction cost is estimated at 2.5 billion kroons. The skyscraper will be located between Friedlant Bridges and New Carolina on a site called Slza. The investor is RT Torax from Ostrava. “This is a project that believes in the future of [...]

Nejvyšší budovu v České republice lze postavit v centru Ostravy2021-03-09T18:55:35+03:00

Pražskou lanovku čeká rekonstrukce


Prague funicular awaits reconstruction. The Prague Administration will announce a competition for the development of a new design for the Prague cable car to Petřín. During the renovation, which will take about eight months, the rails will also be completely renewed. The reconstruction will be carried out in the next four to five years, the funicular will be stopped for about eight months. The cost of the renovation is estimated at 210 million kroons, said Deputy Mayor of Prague Adam Scheingerr. The new carriages will be made of lighter materials, so more passengers will be able to [...]

Pražskou lanovku čeká rekonstrukce2021-12-28T12:51:52+03:00

Nové ložisko zlata a mědi objevené v Ázerbájdžánu


New gold-copper deposit discovered in Azerbaijan The British company Anglo Asian Mining Plc, engaged in the extraction of gold, silver and copper in Azerbaijan, has opened a new gold-copper deposit "Zafar" in the central part of the Gadabay contract zone.Report informs, this is stated on the official website of the company.According to the information, as a result of drilling operations, three mineralized zones were discovered; in total, 12 wells were drilled at a depth of 6,775 meters.It is reported that drilling work is ongoing at the new field and, if necessary, geophysical work will be carried out: "According to [...]

Nové ložisko zlata a mědi objevené v Ázerbájdžánu2021-03-09T18:53:11+03:00

Největší Ázerbájdžánská rozvodna se rekonstruuje


Azerbaijan's largest substation is being reconstructed. Azerenerji CJSC is reconstructing the 500/330/220 kilovolt substation Absheron, which is considered the largest and most strategically important substation in Azerbaijan, built 36 years ago and completed its service life.Report was told by the head of the Center for Public Relations and Media Teymur Abdullayev.According to Abdullayev, as a result of the reconstruction work begun several months ago at the substation's open distribution installations, the equipment was updated, and the territory of the distribution installations was expanded. It is planned to build a second 330 kV Derbent overhead line connecting the energy systems of [...]

Největší Ázerbájdžánská rozvodna se rekonstruuje2021-03-09T18:52:03+03:00

Ázerbajdžán je na 65. místě v žebříčku zemí pro rozvoj online obchodu


Azerbaijan ranks 65th in the ranking of countries for the development of online commerce. Azerbaijan ranked 65th among 152 countries and territories in terms of the development of Internet commerce.Report informs that these data are given in the annual report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published on Wednesday in Geneva.At the same time, Azerbaijan scored 60 points against 61.8 points (in 2019, taking 63rd place). The best rating in Azerbaijan was given to the indicators of mail reliability (82 points) and the share of Internet users (81 points). Azerbaijan scored 29 points in terms of [...]

Ázerbajdžán je na 65. místě v žebříčku zemí pro rozvoj online obchodu2021-03-09T18:51:07+03:00

Tři nová ropná a plynová pole objevená v Kuvajtu


Three new oil and gas fields discovered in Kuwait Kuwait has discovered three new oil and gas fields, one of which is located next to the giant Burgan field.Report informs that Investing.com reports citing the state news agency KUNA.The state-owned Kuwait Oil Co. discovered the Homa oil field, located in the north-west of the country, with an area of ​​more than 70 square meters. km, with a flow rate of 1,452 bbl / d. light oil, said oil minister Mohammed al-Fares.The second discovery at the Al-Kashaniya field, located in northern Kuwait, near the Rawdatein and Al-Sabriya fields, brought in 1,819 [...]

Tři nová ropná a plynová pole objevená v Kuvajtu2021-03-09T18:50:05+03:00

Metro Baku instalovalo 8 nových fanoušků


Baku Metro installed 8 new fans In 2020, "Baku Metro" CJSC purchased 10 new powerful fans and control systems for them.Report was told in the ministry that the installation of eight fans has been completed.The Metro also carried out measures to modernize water supply systems in order to optimize the operation of the underground.

Metro Baku instalovalo 8 nových fanoušků2021-03-09T18:49:02+03:00

Ázerbajdžán je na prvním místě mezi pěti evropskými zeměmi, které zlepšují ukazatele ekonomické svobody


Azerbaijan ranks first among five European countries to improve indicators of economic freedom BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 15Trend: Azerbaijan ranked first among the five European countries that significantly improved indicators of economic freedom in the 2020 Index of Economic Freedom, prepared by the Heritage Foundation, Trend reports citing a report on Tuesday.The country reportedly climbed 16 spots in the 2020 Index as a result of significantly higher ratings for business freedom, investment freedom and financial well-being.The assessment of economic freedom in Azerbaijan is 69.3 (44th position in the 2020 Index among 180 countries). The overall score increased by 3.9 due to significant [...]

Ázerbajdžán je na prvním místě mezi pěti evropskými zeměmi, které zlepšují ukazatele ekonomické svobody2021-03-09T18:47:36+03:00

Azerbaijan’s second largest hydroelectric power plant is being reconstructed


Azerbaijan's second largest hydroelectric power plant is being reconstructed BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 15Trend: Azerenerji OJSC continues measures to eliminate the dangerous situation that has arisen in the reservoir of the Shamkir hydroelectric power station, the second largest hydroelectric power plant in the country, Trend reports citing Azerenerji OJSC."In order to eliminate the emergency situation, repair work on this reservoir began last year, which is carried out by a local company together with specialists from Azerenerji OJSC. Work is underway on reconstruction, concreting and repair of the reservoir. Today 90 percent of the work has been completed. Reconstruction of the facility [...]

Azerbaijan’s second largest hydroelectric power plant is being reconstructed2021-03-09T18:46:26+03:00
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